

I'm a huge reader. I read constantly growing up. I'm blessed with a house full of readers. I never expected that this could cause a problem but my children devour books. I have to work really hard to keep them stocked with titles. I know for a fact my 15 year old had out- read me in the classics by the time she was 10.

The challenge for ferocious readers as well as reluctant readers is to keep challenging them with well written books they love that are not too emotionally mature. My daughter may have loved reading Jane Austen at 10 years old but Thomas Hardy deals with subjects I didn't want to have to discuss at that point.

As a result I have come to love book lists. Here are some links to lists that I have used for years to get ideas.

Booker Prize (these are all adult titles- use with great caution)

Carol Joy Seid- Her seminars are well worth going to just for the wonderful book lists she has. My son would never have discovered the history books written by Marrin if I had not attended her seminar.

This last link I just discovered listed on a forum I'm a member of.

If anyone knows of more links I'd love for you to share!

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